I am currently trying to prepare a old NetApp filer (FAS960C) for a cold hard life in the scrap yard.
I thought it would be as simple as storage vmotioning all the VMs off it, and then simply unmounting the datastore from vSphere. Unfortunately I get this message when trying to unmount the darn thing.
So the error message says see the VMKernel log. I enable ssh on the host and check out /var/log/messages. [na] is the name of my datastore.
GFeb 12 06:34:33 vmkernel: 0:00:57:57.020 cpu11:5646)WARNING: NFS: 1675: na has open files, cannot be unmounted
So which files does it have open?!? I have removed all the VMs. This was the tricky part – on a normal Linux box, you would run lsof and in two seconds you would know which process using the files. In ESXi, you go:
esxcli network connection list | grep datastore ip/hostname
This returns the following :
/vmfs/volumes/c87b8682-017488df # esxcli network connection list | grep
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5163
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5163
The first IP column is the host, the second is the datastore. The last column is the world ID , which is like a PID. So plugging this into ps gives me:
/vmfs/volumes/c87b8682-017488df # ps aux | grep 5163
5163 5163 busybox syslogd
Well there you go – it looks like we have set this up this machine to use the Netapp as a place to store logs. Completely forgot I ever did that! A quick check of the software -> advanced settings dialog reveals this is the case:
Clearing that dialog and a quick reboot will fix that.
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